Okay, so you have decided that outsourced telemarketing is the path you’re going to take. Let’s assume your company has already put out proposals, requests for information or quotes to providers you feel would be the best match for what you’re looking for. So, what’s next? Due Diligence should now be on your mind – this is where you and your potential providers will evaluate and explore one another’s capabilities before you reach an agreement. Below you will find some tips to guide you during your diligence work …

Make Sure the Provider is What Your Company Needs

Starting out, it is important that you really analyze the company and make sure they’re offering what your company is in need of. The potential provider may be good at stand-along campaigns, when in all actuality, your marketing strategy is in need of outsourced telemarketing that captures leads across a variety of campaigns.

Evaluate the Provider’s Scheduling and Forecasting Model for Their Outbound Calling Campaigns

For the outsourced telemarketing campaign, you’ll have a staffing budget for the provider to deliver a specific amount of calls. However, you shouldn’t give the call center complete control over what calls should and should not be made. You need to figure out the best times and days of the week to place certain types of calls – this can make a big difference. When you pay a call center to make calsl during a time of day when customers don’t normally answer the phone, this could be a waste of money.

Have Your Marketers Screen the Telemarketing Provider

Some companies make the mistake of handing the screen task to their purchasing department where they only evaluate the cost. When it comes to outsourced telemarketing, you will need to put some time into the research. During this time, look at the providers track record, level of expertise and credibility – all of those are important, because you are putting your company’s reputation in the palm of their hands. Just remember that the cost isn’t the only criteria you should be focused on – if you undervalue the providers services, you could end up paying the price and it may not be a pretty sight.

Customer Satisfaction Should be a High Priority

As we mentioned in the paragraph above, the reputation of your company is in the hands of the chosen provider and you should have customer satisfaction at the top of your list. Therefore, you should have a good relationship with your outsource provider – by doing so, you will be able to look over the quality of calls being made by the telemarketers.

The Provider’s Recruitment Policy

If you find a company that has a higher percentage of callers that are temporaries, then you should push them to the side. You need to know exactly who is calling and know they are trained and skilled in the field. We recommend going for a company that has permanent callers in order to increase your chances of successful campaigns.


As a business owner, you need to put some time into finding the best telemarketing company to outsource to. You need telemarketers that are motivated, skilled, and capable of handling people from all walks of life.