With the increase in digital technology, the way we access information and even communicate with one another has changes. Businesses throughout the world have amazing opportunities to meet the needs of their customers. Mobile technology, social media, analytics, instant communication and social media are some of the many tools that are available to make it possible to deliver great customer service. In fact, now consumers expect this service from the companies they choose to do business with. Therefore, regardless of the size of your business, you need to think about building a customer support team that is capable of responding to the expectations of your customers. Below, we are going to give you some tips on building a customer support team …

Give the Customer Support Team Some Authority

After you have hired the right person to do the job, it is a waste to put limitations on their capabilities. Go ahead, give them the authority and responsibility to make decisions. So, when they’re on the phone with a customer, they will be able to resolve the issue without having to speak with you first.

Listen to Your Customers

Yes, this one right here is obvious, but you’ll be surprised at how many business owners aren’t following this advice. When you’re on the phone with a customer, make sure you listen to them.

Response Time

Your response time needs to be quick and accurate.  The fast response should be followed by the support team accurately resolving the issue that the customer is having. The customer shouldn’t have to call back for the same problem. If you have a good team, they will make this a priority, which will make many customers want to return.

Open Line of Communication

Today, there are enough tools available, so customer service should be able to keep record of every interaction. Along with these tools, it is important that you create an open line of communication, regardless of how small the issue a customer has sounds.

Stick to Your Promises

With everyone, trust is a big issue. If you cannot keep a promise, or you’re just not sure, then don’t make it. Only promise what you know for a fact you can deliver. Don’t ever under or over-promise. Honest is always the right answer – trust us on this, honesty will go a long way.

Customer Feedback

Even if you are aware of what your customers are in need of, you’re not going to know everything there is to know. For this reason, you need to create a customer feedback solution that customers can easily access – this way, you will know their concerns, without having to make any assumptions.


On an ending note, it is important that you respect the customers time. You may feel like it’s a bother to have to help a customer, and there will be times where a customer isn’t going to understand what you’re saying, but remember, no one wants to sit on the phone and waste their time calling customer service.