As a telemarketer, you will be expected to truly connect with the person on the other end of the line. Every telemarketer wants to be the best they can be, and this is something that will take time and practice unless of course, you’re a natural. To help you get settled in, we’re going to introduce you to what we feel is some of the most effective techniques to be used for telemarketing.

Don’t Sound Like a Telemarketer

First things first, you don’t want to sound like a telemarketer. Effective telemarketers sound relaxed and comfortable when they’re speaking on the phone. Customers aren’t going to respond well to scripted calls. The more you use the traditional introductions such as “how are you today,” and those over-used lines, the more the customer is going to pick you out as being the normal telemarketer. So with those thoughts in mind, you need to soften that approach up a bit and sound more interesting.

Put that Armor on

Take it from us, telemarketing isn’t something that is easy – sure, there are times where it’s super easy, but there are also times where it’s hard. You need to put that armor on and learn how to accept rejection. If you don’t build some resilience to rejection, it will become nerve-racking. There ’s a reason telemarketing isn’t for those that have a faint heart. Learn to deal with rejection and just move forward with the next opportunity on your list and remember the next prospect in line has no idea what went on with your last call. So, get up, brush yourself off and start fresh.

Have a Reason to Call

Before you even pick up the phone line, you need to have a reason to call the prospect. When you call a prospect, it needs to be a brief, yet informative introduction. The telemarketer needs to have good communication skills and be able to explain everything properly to the person at the other end of the line.

Your Pitch Should Sound Helpful

The telemarketer should avoid sounding as if they are calling for the sole purpose of selling a product or service. For this reason, the caller needs to have a pitch that sounds helpful to the customer. If the caller makes the customer feel as if they called with the intentions to help rather than selling them something, then the chances of winning the customer over will increase.


Prospects don’t just walk up to the door and ring the bell  – if you walk in to a business with that theory in mind, then you’re not going to get very far. In order to bring in some business, you will need to actually reach out to people. You see, you’re never going to do business with someone you don’t contact, right? So, make sure you manage to make enough calls in order to make the ratios work in your favor.  This means that you need to be focused on calling people, and not be distracted by working on other tasks. A good rule of the thumb would be to make 100 or so calls in a 7 hour day.