There is a rise of inbound marketing strategies, but this doesn’t mean that outbound calling
campaigns should be ignored because they’re still a great sales tactic to use. A well-designed
cold calling campaign will do wonders for your business. There are many high-growth startups
that have sales reps calling prospective customers on a daily basis and they really are reaping
the benefits.
Like any other marketing or sales campaign, outbound calling is only going to work if you have a
plan in place. Below, we are going to give you some of our best tips you can follow in order to
run a successful outbound call campaign that will increase your revenue.
Increase revenue and engagement with the following tactical cold calling tips:
Begin with the Right Data
Before your agents pick up the phone, it is important that you give them a list of prospects that
are qualified. You need to have an understanding of who your prospects are, and why they
would think about using your service or product. Make sure the agents have the information
they need in order to make a sale – this is going to require some research. By browsing the
company website or looking through social media outlets, you will be able to gain more facts
about your prospects.
Test Out Your Sales Scripts
If you aren’t already doing so, you need to start using a sales script for those outbound calling
campaigns. There are some businesses that are under the impression that sales scripts seem
too fake, but take it from us, you’re not going to run a successful cold calling campaign without
having one.
Having just one script isn’t enough though. Before you launch that outbound calling campaign,
we recommend writing at least two sales scripts that your agents can use. In your campaign,
use both of these scripts equally an tracking the end results of each calls. You can track the
results by using outbound call center software.
Train Your Reps How to Respond to Common Sales Objections
Outbound calling campaigns are never going to be easy. However, if you know what some of
your prospects common objections or concerns are, you can prepare your sales reps with
answers that they can use. Knowing that they have an answer for the objections, the agents are
going to feel more comfortable and they will be able to make sure the conversation stays on

Consider Automated Dialer Software
Those outbound sales agents will be able to work at peak efficiency if you invest in good
automated dialer software. A predictive dialer, or automated dialer will help agents by
automatically dialing numbers that are on the list – this way, the agents won’t have to dial the
numbers individually.
Achieving a successful outbound call campaign can be made easier by following the tips we
gave you in the paragraphs above. Make sure you start out with the right data, have a couple of
scripts for the agents to follow and set up some automated calling software for your agents to